1. 首先对房屋进行测量,再进行图纸设计。其中每个细节都必须考虑到,比如家具的摆放位置等。
1. first of all, the house is measured and the drawings are designed. Every detail must be taken into account, for example, the placement of furniture.
2. 济南家庭装修主体改造是把所要装修的框架先搭建起来,但是要注意的是不能拆改房屋的承重墙,不然会威胁到整个房屋的安全。
2. the renovation of the main body of Ji'nan family decoration is to build the framework of the decoration, but it is important to pay attention to the failure to remove the bearing wall of the house, otherwise it will threaten the safety of the whole house.
3. 济南家庭装修水电改造也是很重要的,材料要选择环保型的。其次水电改造是属于隐蔽性工程,所以在改造完以后要仔细检查一遍,避免产生后续麻烦。
3. Ji'nan family decoration water and electricity transformation is also very important, materials should choose environmentally-friendly. Secondly, the transformation of hydropower is a hidden project, so after the completion of the transformation, we should check it carefully to avoid any subsequent trouble.
4. 木、瓦、油工上阵,其中要按照谁脏谁先上的原则进行装修,其次还应遵循从上往下的施工方式。
4. wooden, tile and oil workers should be decorated, and they should be decorated according to the principle of "who gets dirty first". Secondly, construction methods should be followed from top to bottom.
5. 厨房、卫生间吊顶、灯具安装,电线的线路和预留口都要处理到位。待这些设施都安装好后,再进行一些软装装饰。最后把房屋进行彻底打扫一遍后,家具家电就可以进场了,到此房屋就算是装修完成了。
5. kitchen, bathroom ceiling, lamps and lanterns installation, wiring lines and reserved ports must be handled in place. After these facilities are installed, do some soft decoration. Finally, after sweeping the house thoroughly, furniture and appliances can enter the house.
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